Examples Of Cultural Appropriation

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Melissa Ortega
Kate Francia
English 111
September 18, 2017 Cultural appropriation should be understood that it is not the same as cultural appreciation and why it is so wrong. Taking someone else's culture and turning it to fashion or a trend is not just disrespectful but downright offensive. Cultural appropriation is defined as the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own. But then does that not mean we can not learn about other cultures other than our own? Sure we can, it is just how we decide to understand one's culture by the tradition and history. Having a deeper insight about cultural appropriation is when components of a minority culture are being copied by members of a dominant culture. The dominant culture …show more content…

But one day when I was on social media I had encountered a post with a picture of two white women nicely dressed in a hijab with a caption saying ‘People take things way too seriously, we were just feeling a little ethnic today’. I had no thoughts about this but seeing the replies made me aware of the offense the two women had made. Someone had replied telling them that a hijab is a Muslim women's identity not something to make someone looks trendy or hipster. He angrily expressed on posts how when people of his ethnicity wear hijabs they are tormented. After reading this i was able to have a understanding of cultural appropriation and I totally agreed with the man on why he was so angry and …show more content…

And then they defend themselves by saying they are “appreciating the culture”. Well if you are going to appreciate a culture and not appropriate it, take the time to learn about the culture. Taking an interest in a certain type of culture, you can buy items from the actual people and not buy it from big brand name stores.Those who are selling the exact same items and exploiting people’s cultures for their own gains. Go support those who created the craft and you can also appreciate it at the same

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