Examples Of Blind Ambition In Macbeth

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William Shakespeare's Macbeth implies that if a person is influenced by blind ambition then this may cause their morals to be jeopardized. Macbeth's ambition causes him to be blinded in making the right choices. He strives for power but his blind ambition leads him to have conflicts with his morals. Macbeth is in his castle alone. He is starting to question his plans of killing King Duncan. Macbeth is starting to think his plans more thoroughly and realizing the consequences that will follow if he proceeds with his dark plan. Macbeth protected the Kings land and reputation, making Macbeth a very honorable person to the king. In fact he was titled as the thane of Cawdor by the king. From this, Macbeth acknowledges that the king trusts him emencly.

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