Examples Of Bias In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Having equality and justice with freedom is an ideal state, but people often have unequal rights due to bias and financial instability. Part of this bias comes from race. There are racist people in the world with their own opinions, we can’t change that. However, this has had a negative impact on innocent people in the past. For example, in To Kill a Mockingbird Tom Robinson’s case was a cover up. The victim’s dad had beat her and she was tempting him and they called rape on innocent Tom who was just helping to fix a door and had been framed. This is similar to the Scottsboro Trial, where 9 colored men were tried for raping two white women, which was later proven false, and all but the youngest was sentenced to death. Both juries were all white …show more content…

People typically just say, ‘oh let the men do it, they’re stronger’ and while correct in some cases is not correct in all. This specific example of gender bias is degrading to women in many ways. Both genders can do a lot of things, most roles aren’t gender specific, yet a majority of people, whether consciously or not, resort to a, oh you’re a woman let the men take care of this, type of attitude. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Alexandra, the main characters aunt, is very against how the main character, Scout, dresses and acts. Scout wears overalls and wants to play with and help her brother and her guy best friend. She despises dresses and wants to fit in with the guys. Alexandra shames her for this because she, “needs to act more like a lady,” which Scout could care less about at the age of nine. There is also a speech called “Ain’t I a Woman?” which is about a woman that is trying to stand up for her rights. A particular part of this article keeps repeating the line, “And ain’t I a woman?” after stating specific things that she does on a daily basis that men usually do. People sometimes look to woman as the “weaker sex” which brings me back to being degrading to women. Men and women should be treated

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