Examples Of Adversity

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Adversity A lot of us face adversity in our lives, unfortunately we just can not avoid it no matter how much we dislike it. Their is Adversity in our lives everywhere, even in the bible. Their are many characters and books in the bible that is what makes up the bible. If you have faith In God then he will help you get through the suffering that you may with going through because of adversity, however small it is he will help you get through it and remind you that you are not alone.

Lets use one of the characters in the bible as an example, Joshua. The kind of adversity that Joshua had to face had to do with the death of his beloved friend Moses, servant of the Lord. The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord. Romans; 6:23. Joshua …show more content…

He had healed him from the suffering so that he may move forward. He was known by how God used his leadership when the walls of Jericho came down. God had used his words to ensure everyone of the suffering that Moses is now gone but that they will see him later on in life. God had insured that they may only stand strong and very courageous, as he had repeated this statement continually throughout the chapter. Joshua 1:7. The Lord our God is providing you a place of rest and will give you the land. Joshua 1:13.

Joshua had lost a friend which was natural adversity that had occurred in his life as well as mine. I had to under go the loss of a friend last year. He had decided to take his own life, which is a slightly different situation but for me it was huge trauma and adversity in my life that I was not expecting. A death that is unexpected is the worst, you would have never saw it coming. Their weren't any warning signs unfortunately. At the time I didn't really understand Christianity which made the situation even harder. If it had happened now I feel like it would be much easier to get through the it

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