Evil In Lord Of The Flies

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In The Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, the author believed that humans were born naturally evil. Hitler, Stalin, and Osama Bin Laden were evil because they were born with the basic tendency of immoral human nature. Golding believed this because of his experience in WWII, watching the boundaries of society crumble as he witnessed sanctified murder in war. Furthermore, in 1954, when Golding wrote The Lord Of The Flies, America had just released the atomic bomb upon the unsuspecting city of Hiroshima, instantly killing 80,000 people. Golding, along with many civilians of America could not fathom the evil that had been committed. This event led Golding to write the classic novel, The Lord Of The Flies. Although there is evidence that William …show more content…

Why is it that Golding had these three boys be good when he felt as though every human being was naturally evil? Jack used their fear for the beast to control them. He did this by not believing that the beast was real. It was because Jack had no fear for the beast that Roger and the others felt safe around him.The reasoning behind the beast having so much control over them is because the safety and security that they needed was one of the top priorities on Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. It was because of their fear for the beast that they turned towards the dark. “What I mean is...maybe it’s only us.” (89). Simone and later on Ralph and Piggy knew that the only beast on the island was themselves, resulting in them not believing that there was a physical monster that could harm them. It was because of Simone’s logic that led the three boys towards the light, away from Jack’s iron fist of fear. Being evil or thinking that and act is evil completely depends on the person’s perspective. For example, one country’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. Though Osama Bin Laden was a sick and evil man to the USA he was a saviour and hero to Al Qaeda. Just like Jack’s cruelty and abusiveness to Ralph, Simon, and Piggy made Jack seem evil to them, he was like of God to Roger and the rest of his followers. So in reality, was Jack evil or good? What was acceptable to the society that the boys

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