Everyday Bullying In Society

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In the mid 1940’s bullying still occurred it just was not involved in media as it is now. Today we have bullying all over the internet through phones and other devices of technology, back then technology did not exist bullying was done either in person or behind that persons back. People tend to think just because it was not known of back then that it did not happen. This is not the case, now it just happens more often. The reason it is heard about more is because of the stress level kids reach they commit suicide. Bullying in the world today is a lot more severe than it used to be; it affects children emotionally, and physically; this is compared to how bullying was showed in Lord of The Flies.
In Society today children are picked on a lot more than the children in earlier times. Children today are bullied in many ways; some of these ways are not relatable to Lord of The Flies due to the technology that has been developed. This type of bullying is referred to as cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is where people are bullied over the internet, phones, and apps that are not in person. Another type of bullying is verbal. When someone is verbally bullying you they are talking down on you, and calling you names. Piggy experiences this a lot in Lord of The Flies when Jack keeps calling him Piggy even though that is not his name “Piggy shut up”.
Next is being bullied physically, being bullied physically is more often heard about in our world today people being bullied at school and getting beat up for reasons such as they are different or do not act the same way others think they should. Other people in society are picked on physically because of their size and other students know these children cannot stand up for themselves. Piggy exper...

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...gs Jack just wanted to be in control of the whole situation the whole time no matter if he is in the right or in the wrong. This is the same with victims you cannot judge them either most of the victims are children who have poor social skills and very few friends. Poor social skills and no friends do not come from just not wanting to have them. Children who have been bullied in the past just do not want to be picked on continually and be made fun of so they stay away from other children to prevent that.
What is Golding trying to say in Lord of The Flies? Is he trying to show bullying is ok? Golding is trying to show that bullying has effects on others and that it even occurs in children. William Golding shows that even though they are just kids with the right push and motive they can become savages and do things to others that could be fatal and permanent damages.

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