Events in Animal Farm by Geroge Ordwell

520 Words2 Pages

Animal Farm


The general purpose of the seven commandme

nts is not to govern Animal Farm

justly, as it seems to the animals, but to be propaganda to make Animalism appealing.

For instance, the first comma

ndment, “Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy,” does

not do anything for the animals themselves, but only demonizes man because he is

the enemy of Animalism. By demonizing man, Animalism appeals to the animals’

resentment toward man. It also makes its

alternative, being ruled by man, look far

worse than itself, so that, despite the

obvious faults of Animalism, no one will

abandon it. The second commandment, “Whateve

r goes on four legs, or has wings, is

a friend,” serves to create an enticing se

nse of unity and fellowship among kinds of

animals who are, in reality, extremely

different. The seventh commandment, “All

animals are equal,” also creates this sense

of unity and fellowship

as well as appeals

to the idealism which every revolutionary

treasures. Thus, the seven commandments

are merely propaganda meant to deceive the animals into believing in Animal...

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