Evan Hunter On The Sidewalk Bleeding Essay On Identity

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The perspective of society carries much significance due to its power to completely alter an individual’s values or views; and therefore reflecting the individual’s identity. In the short story “On The Sidewalk Bleeding”, by Evan Hunter, one facet of identity that is apparent, is that identity is mainly created and developed by society. The story highlights how wrong decisions come with a price, how the people you associate yourself with define you, and how your values become evident in difficult situations. As the short story progresses, a dramatic change develops in Andy’s perspective and values as a Royal, from positive to negative; however, society chooses to remain with its own perceptions.
Every decision is to be made with extreme care, …show more content…

As Andy became a part of the Royals, he began imitating their actions. He began participating in jumps and rumbles, bringing pain and grief to many. ‘No, he thought, I can't be dying, not from a little street rumble, not from just being cut. Guys get cut all the time in rumbles’. If rumble members got cut often, it meant that there were other people dying and other people who have been or are being severely injured. As Andy participated in more events that were related to jumps and rumbles, he acquired the collective identity of a Royal and couldn’t obtain his own individual identity. Even as he was stabbed, the culprit had said ‘That’s for you Royal!’, and when the story draws to an end, the cop at the scene also says ‘A Royal.’ despite being told Andy’s name. Andy had associated so much with the Royal gang members, that his own individual identity became inseparable from the Royal’s …show more content…

As Andy approaches his near end, he comes to realize that the street fighting he participated in throughout his whole life, and the Royal title he cherished held no value for him. ‘He was filled with sadness that his life would be over at sixteen. He felt all at once as if he had never done anything, never seen anything, never been anywhere. He wondered why he'd never thought of them before, wondered why the rumbles and the jumps and the purple jackets had always seemed so important to him before’. Andy was only now able to realize the one thing that was so important to him - Laura. ‘Someday he would marry Laura. Someday he would marry her, and they would have a lot of kids, and then they would get out of the neighborhood. They would move to a clean project in the Bronx, or maybe they would move to Staten Island. When they were married, they had kids’. Andy had planned so far ahead in his life with Laura, and yet he spent his time fighting gang members, which now seemed pointless. The last moments were the turning point for Andy. In those last moments, Andy’s perspectives on himself, his title as a Royal, and his values had dramatically changed. ‘I'm Andy, he screamed wordlessly, I'm Andy. Andy came to recognize himself as Andy rather than a Royal; and he only came to realize this after being ambushed and while lying on the sidewalk

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