Evan Hunter On The Sidewalk Bleeding Analysis

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In the short story “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter, Andy, a sixteen year old member of the Royals gang, was walking down the alley, when he was was stabbed. When a couple walked by Andy they would not help him because he was a Royal, and getting involved with a Royal could get them in serious trouble. Andy’s girlfriend came looking for him and found him lying in the alley, hurt. She brought a police officer to Andy, and he pronounced him dead. Once the officer realized that Andy was a Royal, he was not as helpful as he was before. The idea of someone being different doesn't mean that they should be treated differently applies to Andy because he was stabbed for being a Royal, the couple would not help Andy, and the police officer was not as helpful as before knowing Andy’s background. First, Andy was stabbed because he was a Royal. “That’s for you ,Royal!” (Para. 2) was what Andy heard after he was stabbed. This shows Andy was categorized as a Royal because he was stabbed not for any actions that he had performed, but for wearing his gang’s jacket. To add on, a couple who walked by Andy lying on the ground would not help him because he was a part of the Royals. For example, when the couple walked by Andy in the alley and saw his bright purple Royals jacket, they left him in the rain instead of helping him like they should have. “The boy kept looking at him. He saw the lettering on …show more content…

This relates to Andy because he was wounded for being a part of the Royals. A couple would not call for help and the Police Officer was not as pleasant after finding out he was a Royal. In the short story, “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter, Andy was stabbed due to being in a gang, and people would not help him because of that. Andy could have survived if someone would have helped him. If someone is different, be the person to help them, not to ignore

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