European Starling or Sturnus Vulgaris

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The Common Starling, otherwise known as Sturnus Vulgaris or European Starling, is a medium sized songbird that is a member of the Sturnidae bird family. These birds are known to mimic sounds from other species and can even mimic human speech when held in captivity. They are very stout in their build and have short tails. They change color depending on the season, such as purple-green feathers in the summer and brown feathers with white spots in the winter. Common Starlings originated in Europe, specifically Norway, Russia, and Siberia. During the winter, they migrated to northern Africa and India. From there, Starlings have been introduced to several places such as Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, South Africa, and North America. They are normally found in grasslands, agricultural areas, and urban settings. There have been a couple attempts to introduce Starlings to North America but both times resulted in failure. However, in 1890, the third attempt permanently established the species in Central Park, New York City by Eugene Schieffelin of the American Acclimatization Society. ...

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