Mimcry In A Mocking Bird

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Mimcry is the superficial resemblance between two or more organisms which are not taxonomically related. This resemblance may be in appearance, behavior, sound, scent and even location. Some sort of vocalization is produced by most of the birds. Almost every species of bird produces some sort of vocalization. Mockingbirds are those birds that mimic the call of other birds. Australia’s amazing Lyrebird is the world’s greatest mimic which is capable of mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment. They imitate other bird calls, as well as human sounds such as car alarms and camera shutters. cuckoos fool other birds – they also mimic hawks. Parrots are renowned for their deafening calls that can be heard for miles. …show more content…

*All wild birds learn to mimic their parents and adults of their species early in life. Some can even mimic the sounds of other wild birds. *Most known for this behavior are myna birds, the Australian Lyrebird, and the mockingbird. *A bird's ability to understand or speak another bird's language can be very valuable in the wild. But what about those birds who learn to mimic human

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