Ethics In Ethical Communication

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CouncilL-EssayA-CommEthicsWA. 2/23/14
The ethical code I chose to focus on is the NCA. I chose NCA Ethical communication because it is the fundamental purpose to responsible thinking in our decision-making, and to the development of our relationships and to communities within and across segments, cultures, channels, and media. Ethical communication gives us a greater sense of meaning and dignity by presenting truthfulness, fairness, responsibility, personal integrity, and respect for oneself and to others. The NCA for the most part represents scholars, teachers, and practitioners who are its members by enabling and supporting their professional interests in research and teaching. The NCA goals are to promoting free and ethical communication. Many of the NCA events include public speakers, speaker’s forum, and more.
I would apply the principles of Virtue Ethics, Deontological Ethics, Teleological Ethics, and Enlightenment Ethics to the development of communication ethics in perspective to the NCA standards. The NCA standards that I would present within in my professional code of living would be based on the four classical approaches when making ethical decisions.
Virtue Ethics focuses on the development of the right person over a period of time having the correct habits. The focus would then be place on the question as to what makes up the characteristic traits of a person having the capabilities to choose right or wrong. The character traits that make a person unable at time to choose right or wrong can be seen in some governmental bureaucracies where many times they are cold, insensitive an...

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... or give him a warning. I decided to call him in the office and talk to him in private. I explain that I would have to write the matter up and bring it to my superior’s attention. The employee finally came clean and stated that the reason he was late was because he had to go to housing court for he had and eviction notice. I decided to overlook the matter due to the circumstance of the situation giving only a warning to the employee.

Work Sited
"What Is Deontological Ethics / Deontology?" N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.
"Seven Pillars Institute." Seven Pillars Institute Applying Utilitarianism Are Insider Trading and the Bailout of GM Ethical Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

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