Ethical Leadership

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Ethical leadership is leadership that is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values and for the dignity and rights of others. It is thus related to concepts such as trust, honesty, consideration, charisma, and fairness. Ethical leadership is leading with a sense of trust and values. As an ethical leader, my goal is to set up a sense of trust and transparency with colleagues and direct report and ensure everyone is treated with fairness, dignity, and respect. This type of leadership allows colleagues to trust my ability to lead and encourage active participation and engagement in the workplace.
Do you perceive your work organization to have a strong ethical culture? Why or why not?
Do you perceive your work organization to have a strong ethical culture? Why or why not?
Secondly, my workplace strongly encourages trust and transparency within our work environment. There are different policies set in place for employees to voice their opinion and drive for change. Some of these policies include ENPS (Employee Net Promoter …show more content…

It is important to do what is right or ethical over what I think is fair. Charging time at work is an example of ethical leadership. Employees could charge their time to any project assigned to them, but ethically you must charge your time towards specific project that you worked on. If my colleagues come up with an idea, I make sure the person gets the credit as the owner of the effort and I’m not taking undue credit for someone else’s initiative. In my personal life, it’s like the golden rule, treat everyone like you would want to be treated. A friend of mine didn’t show up to my baby shower and she invited me to her daughter’s birthday party. My first instinct was to decline her invitation, but after some self-reflection, I realize the right thing to do was to attend her daughter’s birthday and not be spiteful about

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