Ethical Issues In Nursing Research Essay

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There is a lot of important research going on in the nursing field. Most of the research is done by nurses who specialize in research and whose job is to focus on different parts of the field such as illnesses/diseases prevention/interventions, environment safety, and the constant search for new ways to effectively achieve and sustain health. Many of the studies done by this professionals help in numerous ways. They are helping discover better ways to provide health services, improve the quality of life for those with acute and chronic diseases, spreading the facts about the benefits of a good nutrition and lifestyle, making sure all patients will attain a safe environment in all settings, improve treatment and comfort for those in hospice care, and much more.
Nurse researchers seek for questions, create and manage scientific studies, analyze and gather obtained data, which are later reported. This data or knowledge is then …show more content…

In the acute-care setting, healthcare workers often have to deal with ethical dilemmas that don’t have fixed solutions and that may cause moral distress in part of the nurse as a result. Part of the nursing research is to better balance the pros and cons of each patient in the wide range of situations. Frequently, nurses have to come up with decisions that don’t possess a right and wrong deed, but has to do more with the nature of the situation, such as to whether give prioritization to the autonomy of certain patients and not to others. This “freedom vs control” dilemma is not the major issue that raises open questions. There exists several others, such as patients religious beliefs that affect their treatment; “pro-choice vs pro-life” dilemma, where the nurses beliefs and values come into play; “truth telling vs deception” dilemma, where families struggle to tell loved ones about their prognosis; and the distribution of resources

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