Essay on Hitler: How Was it Possible For Hitler to Come to Power in 1933?

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Adolf Hitler can be considered one of the most powerful and terrifying people in history. It’s surprising how someone like him, with his intentions and plans for Germany and the world, rose to power. However, it happened, resulting in the death of sixty million total dead. The main reason of Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 is the fact that he was a very charismatic personality and he spoke so convincingly, that everyone believed him.
One of the first reasons that Hitler could come to power in 1933 was his very efficient Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, whom came to Hitler’s aid in the year of 1933, just six months after Hitler became chancellor. He became the leader of this ministry, and soon, it took over all media: television, newspapers, and magazines. They controlled everything, the way people thought and what they believed. Hitler, with the help of Goebbels and their big propaganda machine were able to plant the idea into everybody’s heads that the Aryan race was the dominant one and that everyone should be like that. It made people believe that Jewish people were not fit to be part of any society because of their looks and behavior. This was the start of something terrible.
Hitler would have managed just fine on his own, even without Goebbels. His rhetoric was such that every word he said was believed by the German people. He told them that he was one of them, that he knew how they felt in the current state of Germany. Hitler had very persuasive arguments. The country was desperate for a leader like Hitler, especially after the Treaty of Versailles and what the “November Criminals” did. Germany was being blamed for World War One and it had to pay with money and land to repay for what they did. ...

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...g speakers in the world. His words and what he said gave hope to the German people. They wanted to make Germany superior and dig it out of the mess it got itself into and Hitler would make that dream a reality for them. Because of the vulnerability of the German people, it was easy for him to gain their trust, especially with his promises. He wanted to make Germany proud once more and he implanted that wish into every single German.
“What we dreamed for years has become a reality. The symbol of unification of all classes of the German people has become the symbol of the new Reich and thus, it has become the standard of the German people. The most precious possession you have in this world are your own people. And for this people and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight and never slacken…never tire…never lose courage and never lose faith.”

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