Essay: The Causes And Effects Of Teen Pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy As everyone knows, teen pregnancy rate is increasing more and more each day and someone needs to do something to try and either stop it or decrease it dramatically. Teen pregnancy is causing dramatic population increase and that’s just common sense. Teens getting pregnant at such a young age is also causing poverty levels to go up more and more. Mississippi Spent over $100 million on teen pregnancy alone in the year 2010 (“Teen Pregnancy”). Just think of what it is now. More teens are dropping out of school and not finishing their education. According to the authors of this article, “approximately 30 percent of teen mothers have mothers who dropped out of high school, 40 percent have mothers who are mothers who dropped out of high school, 40 percent have mothers who are high school graduates, and 30 percent have mothers who attended college”(Kearny et al 143). Many people don’t realize that there are many effects of teen pregnancy including higher risk of birth defect, more likely to drop out, and also abortion rates increase. …show more content…

From experience, many teenage girls find the need to feel wanted. When they get lonely they want some kind of attention any way they can get it. Some turn to violence or drugs, but more commonly they turn to some kind of sexual action. Another reason teens start to have sex at such a young age is obviously puberty. Their starting to have changes in their hormones and their body is starting to develop more. Children are getting younger and younger when they start to be involved in sexual activity. In the year 2012, over 4,500 births among girls was aged 15 through 19, which means that over 10 babies were born every day (“Teen

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