Essay On Why Rome Fell

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Why Rome Fell… Rome was one of the greatest ancient empires, however, it suffered a tragic fall. Rome could’ve lasted if only the odds were in its favor, but they weren't, dunh dunh duhn (piano).The Roman empire fell because of political instability, military problems, and natural disasters. Rome’s government was quite unstable due to the amount of dead rulers they had especially in a fifty year time span which led to frequent leadership changes, and eventually meant an empire that was constantly out of control. With these things listed some may think okay well we understand Rome fell because too many rulers die but a majority of them didn't just die they were assassinated. In Document A it showed that thirteen out of the twenty-two rulers over a course of fifty years were assassinated. The fact that so many were hated enough to be killed is definitely an eye opener. Either way with the amount of deaths in that fifty years shows how frequent the change of leadership was for Rome. With the constant change it had a ripple effect on the army(second highest power of Rome)as well. The Roman army was once well structured only because of their somewhat advanced armor but eventually the armor was of no use …show more content…

In the year 366 CE a powerful earthquake shook the Roman world. From the shores of the Mediterranean came a great flood along with the earthquake. “Fifty thousand persons had lost their lives in the flood [in the city of Alexandria alone],” as stated in Document F. If that is the casualty from one city alone then there must have been several more and even more from the previous earthquake. Rome was later swamped with a series of plagues as well killing even more amounts of people, so the number of Roman citizens just decreased greatly. Rome fell after suffering greatly, but they didn’t exactly go down

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