Essay On Why Killing Is Wrong

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War - What is it Good For
Murder according to the Webster-Miriam dictionary is defined as the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought (Merriam-Webster). The definition of Murder seems straightforward, right? The word “unlawfully” means illegal or not morally right or conventional (Merriam-Webster). Thus, murder is not morally right or conventional. Yet, a huge part of war is killing and if killing is murder, then why is modern society so accepting of war?
Most Americans are taught at an early age that killing is wrong. We are also told to “support our troops”, and that those who “serve our country” are heroes. Therefore, killing is wrong, but those who kill are hailed as heroes. The Military essentially requires soldiers to ignore their own moral compass for one of the most crucial moral rules: taking another humans life. They, along …show more content…

The initial killing didn’t faze most of the kids, as the killing was played off as being justifiable. In the song, Universal Soldier the last verse is eye-opening “He’s the Universal Soldier and he really is to blame, his orders come from far away no more, they come from here and there and you and me, and brother can’t you see, this is not the way we put the end to war” think about that, how can the solider be the one to blame if his orders are coming from the American citizens who are indirectly condoning war and killing? I think that the Euphemism: Shell Shock to PTSD essay brought to light an interesting notion that over time, the reality of war has been softened. The American public is encouraging killing. Of course, if we don’t see it, right? Is the saying “ignorance is bliss” true when it comes to war and killing? Are we as Americans, by not saying anything at all, really saying more than we realize? Downplaying the harsh realities of war and the murder that comes with

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