Essay On Whole Foods

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Growing up we are conditioned to eat or like certain foods that our family is able to provide for us. Every meal whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner is placed on our dinner table for us to eat by our family and we grow up to become so used to it, that these foods are still a part of our everyday lives. What we don’t come to realize is how bad all of the packaged and processed food is to us, or how money and being lazy has taken a very huge part on what is said to be the “National Eating Disorder.” Although some may consider unhealthy snacks to be “food,” they are, in fact, just junk- not food. Food is something that is needed in order to survive, but our thought of food is to consume processed foods, fast foods, packaged foods, and what …show more content…

Whole foods are unprocessed foods without any artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, sweeteners, and hydrogenated fats. Whole foods contain all the vitamins and natural minerals that processed foods don’t have. These foods are recommended to lower any health issues because they all have four main things that our body needs: water, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Pollan beings to tell us, “The number of farmers’ markets has more than doubled in the last ten years, to more than four thousand, making it one of the fastest- growing segments of the food marketplace.” America has become so unhealthy to believe that food is anything processed that most people have chronic diseases, but we now are leaving the hard way so people are eating much more healthy. Even though whole foods could be very expensive, or we could be lazy when it comes to preparing it, whole foods is always going to be the best way to go when it comes down to foods. She also states, “When you eat from the farmers’ market, you automatically eat food that is in season, which is usually when it is most nutritious” (Eat Food: Food Defined,17). Whole foods are foods that are closest to their natural state and that means they give us more nutrients that packaged or processed foods and that is why more people need to realize

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