Essay On Traditional Bullying And Cyberbullying

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Bullying is an act of aggressive behaviour, mostly between middle and high school aged students. Kids who want something or want to take pride in their determination to go out of their way to harm someone else to show they are superior among them is a common problem in today’s youth. The two main types of bullying is Cyberbullying and Traditional bullying. In 2014 about %34.4 of bullying has been reported in schools. Cyberbullying in the opinion of myself and many others is worse than traditional. So what exactly are the facts on Traditional bullying and Cyberbullying and why is Cyberbullying worse? Traditional bullying is a form of face to face bullying. There are three types of Traditional bullying. There is verbal bullying, physical bullying,
Unlike most cyberbully cases, traditional bullying is more likely to die down due to lack of interest of the bully. This gives them a reason to move on to someone else. But with Cyberbullying a lot of people get involved which makes it grow in the first few days or weeks and the longer it continues the more people get involved which means the insults never completely stop coming in. And before those days and weeks become months or years the victim has given up and has stopped the pain in the worst way possible and that is them feeling the need to kill themselves, which is classified as a
And the average texting rate for a teenager is about 60 messages per day and adults text half that. Girls ages 14-17 like to talk a lot which increases their texting rate to about 100 messages per day. And most insults that teens say through texts or facebook and any other media to others is most likely gotten away with. And 81% of teens admit that bullying online or through a text is easier to get a way with, which is why it is the worst and most common bullying. Most kids don 't think of saying a rude comment to someone 's face because that is way harder to do then to just send a little text. And about 4,500 kids out of the rest of the others cyberbullied actually commit suicide. 20% of kids that receive insults through media think about suicide and 1 in 10 attempt it! In some cases it is true that traditional bullying is worse than cyberbullying. When kids are on campus, or at the park or anywhere they can be harassed more physically by the suspects, when in cyberbullying they harm themselves. But when on campus it doesn’t usually have a broad audience just a few people and it usually gets old faster. The bully usually moves on to different suspects. “It clearly indicates the feeling of the children and the very real threat they have of being physically harmed by another child.”

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