Essay On The Reconstruction Era

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America was going through a lot of change economically, politically and socially throughout history and the time before 1865 was definitely a time for change. The world was under reconstruction even before it was deemed the Reconstruction Era. The New Land was stretching as the political leaders were working to acquire more land. America was as fragile as ever at this time because there was rebellion and chaos among slave owners and slaves, our political leaders were deemed inept, and the nation was divided over civil rights issues. Throughout this time before 1865 they faced a lot of change but it came with consequences as well because some people suffered working for change. Race was perhaps one of the biggest issues if not the biggest issue during the pre- 1865 era and it definitely proved a long road for African Americans. Slavery was the controversial issue inside of race that served as a driving force for change. Blacks or African Americans didn’t have a say in much of anything as most of not all of them were enslaved by white people in the North and in the South. The development of African Americans becoming recognized as citizens became a symbol for signs of the Reconstruction Era coming into full effect. The fight for citizenship from African Americans was important because it made others want to fight for equal rights as well. Even though African Americans were putting themselves out there to get more rights but whites still wanted restrict them as much as possible even if they would be considered freed people. (Brundage, N/A) Even the Chinese were looked down upon early on and throughout the course of history. There were laws passed by the federal, state and local governments to put a hamper on immigration that was fo... ... middle of paper ... ...emselves as the push for equal rights continued to gain steam. The efforts for reform embodied states’ rights, women’s rights, and abolition. These would be the ideas that would influence and help the Second Great Awakening gain momentum into the 19th century. The issues along with other political issues would divide the nation into supporters for change and those others who wanted the nation to stay the same. The South was slower in getting slavery abolished so the North took steps in furthering itself from the restraints of slavery. They attempted to institute the term called “free labor.” It wasn’t essentially slavery but it almost had the same feel because in a sense it seems to mean working for free or maybe you could say its “volunteer work.” This ideology from the Northern states advocated ideas such as freedom, independence and self-reliance. (Glaser, 2005)

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