Essay On The Nervous System

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The nervous system is the processing system in a human body which is responsible for coordination of movement and ability to respond to stimuli, intelligence, self-awareness, thought and emotions.
The Nervous system is divided into two major divisions which coordinate and works together. The two divisions are;
Central Nervous System(CNS)
• Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Nervous system is composed of many nerve cells known as Neurons, whose function is to carry nerve impulses (electrical signals). All neurons have three major parts; Axon, dendrites and Cell body respectively.
• Axon- which is a filament that conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body. A group of axon in CNS is known as Tract, while a group of axons in PNS is known as nerve. (The Central Nervous System, 2014). Axons are covered with myelin sheath which improves the speed of transmission of impulses.
• Cell body- Cell body contains nucleus of the cell. It secrets enzymes that maintain the life of the cell. (The Central Nervous System, 2014)
• Dendrites- it is a filament that con...

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