Essay On The Movie Frozen

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Frozen is one of the best animated movie Disney made since “Lion King”. This film is the story about the emotional connection between two sisters Anna and Elsa. Elsa is born with magical powers, anything she touches or point towards turn into ice. Because of that she had locked herself in a small room to control it. Then there is Princess Anna who is young, innocence and enthusiast. On the coronation day Queen Elsa accidentally freezes the kingdom, runs away far from her kingdom and leaves it in the cold weather. Anna decides to overcome snowstorm to find Elsa and hopes that her sister can withdraw magic. Along the journey, Anna meets interesting people, such as mountain boy Kristoff, his reindeer Sven and snowman Olaf. These are the main characters beside Anna and Elsa. Audiences will surely be amazed with beautiful visual effects, memorable songs, and a great story. Frozen is enjoyable and heartfelt film that illustrate the characters and the songs. Elsa shows love toward her younger sister and her people. She would rather stay alone in her room to avoid hurting anyone. Afraid that she can’t control her powers, she flees the country. This displayed that Elsa puts her people’s safety at top priority. After running away Elsa build a snow castle on the northern mountains. She shows her incredible powers in an amazing song, "Let it Go", even creating a huge ice castle. I actually want to stand up from my seat and dance every time I hear this song. Ice, snow and stripes make Elsa’s beauty more sparkling. Besides, Elsa becomes more prominent and splendid with beautiful dress. Anna shows bravery and love for her older sister when she goes and looks for Elsa in spite of the weather. Viewers are in tears when Anna tries to talk Elsa bu... ... middle of paper ... ...cks onscreen, have characters nap with corpses, hang villains, and still get a G.” Agree with this statement, because back then movie Disney made movies violence and still rated them G. even though it had a little bit of violence but still I am amazed Disney still made heart touching movies. He said the Frozen earned PG rating because of its “mild action and rude humor”. Frozen was a movie which me and my family enjoyed watching after a long time. In the article, “Disney's Frozen” by Katey Rich she gives summary about movie and the characters. She said mostly Disney make movies that pressures teenagers but Frozen is different. She said, “Big animated movies are under crazy pressure to teach kids the "right" lessons, but Frozen wears that pressure lightly”. I agree with her because Disney always tells to follow your dreams even though some dreams you cannot follow.

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