Essay On The Movie Avatar

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I watched the film Avatar directed by James Cameron. The main actors in the movie are Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana and Sigourney Weaver. Set on the planet Pandora, Avatar is a sci-fi story of a mercenary-backed corporation’s attempt to steal and mine the land where humanoid aliens known as the Na’vi live.
Avatar’s plot is about a disabled ex-marine named Jake Sully who finds life on the planet Pandora, only to find him battling mankind with the planet’s Na’vi race. Jake is sent to learn their ways so that he can help relocate them so humans can take over. Neytiri is the daughter of the Na’vi leaders Mo’at and Eytukan. She is brave, loyal and strong willed. When she meets Jake she begins to fall in love with him because of his bravery. Grace Augustine is a scientist who studies the plants and creatures of Pandora. She is the head of the avatar program, and she is peaceful with the Na’vi clan because she set up a school to teach them English.

Jake joins the science and wing of the operation as a substitute navigator for his deceased twin brother’s Avatar. Early in the film, we discover that the avatar is an expensive high-tech clone that allows its user to temporarily experience and the Na’vi community. After a series of unexpected events during his first avatar excursion, Jake finds himself living amongst the Na’vi clan known as the Omaticaya where he becomes an apprentice to the female tribe member Neytiri. From that point, the film revolves around the internal and external conflicts that happen as Jake bonds with the Omaticaya and struggles between his mission and his beginning friendship to the aliens. Avatar is about life; in this movie it involves future human technology that is capable of putting human’s intelligence into a ...

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... quick to exhaust the earth of its resources with no understanding of the consequences that could and will happen.
While watching the movie you feel for sad the Avatar people and anger towards the humans and corporations that are taking control, wanting to destroy the environment through mining to make money. It is a message of caution; look at how things could be in the 22nd century if we aren’t more careful with the resources the Earth provides now.
Avatar is an example of how one person can make a difference. Also the movie shows how a group effort can make a huge difference. People need to wake up and realise it is up to us to save the environment!
The movie Avatar looks like a movie about war, but rather it is a movie about being human and what it means to be a human. And the message the in this movie I feel is to be in touch with your environment and world.

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