Essay On The Miseducation Of Cameron Post

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“The Miseducation Of Cameron Post” has caused a school district to ban the book due to its major profanity. Though many think freshman students should not read it, many think otherwise. Parents have complained that it’s too “gay” and uses too much words that a freshman shouldn’t know, but they don’t realize that they might have already learned many other “bad” things in today’s world. Maybe some parents should worry about who their children’s friends are, the movies they’re watching, or how easily they can get their hands on that book. In my opinion, I think it's the students choice to read what they want. High school is a time when kids find out who they are and start growing more independently. This is a time where people tell you to grow up, but limit it. People tell you to grow up, but once they see you with a such bad book, they suddenly become a saint and cover your eyes. If you want people to be more mature, do not pick certain cherries out of the batch. People do mature other time. The more they read books like The Miseducation Of Cameron Post, the more mature they become. The more parents, librarians, etc., pick out your books, the more you grow up not knowing a lot. …show more content…

High school is time where you find out who you are. Self-help is much better than talking to your parent about. Many might think it's “embarrassing” and hide in the corner, but the more they read books like this, the more mature they are. A lot of books have been banned from the school library that could help students and make their maturity levels rise. Nobody likes a classroom filled with giggles and red, blushing faces during a very “explicit” scene comes on an educational movie or clip. Teachers absolutely hate it and so do many other

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