Essay On The Importance Of Fashion

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I personally think that fashion is important for most people. In this 20th century, fashion is one thing which is very needed by most people not only in Indonesia but also in abroad. Before explain about importance of fashion, we must know definition of fashion based on dictionary and opinion of some people. Actually, definition of fashion is various. Part of people said that fashion is glamour things, up to date and famous with branded things. Based on oxford dictionary, fashion as noun means the work is done in a rather casual fashion. In phrases after a fashion means to a certain extent but not perfectly. In short, fashion is something neat, clean, looking good so that it makes good appearance in daily life. Fashion also means make or shape …show more content…

‘Just be yourself’ that is true words for us to be fashionable person because our fashion don’t need to follow new trend fashion. We just make fashion by ourself. It makes us to be creative person. We can look creative side from how our way to mix and match the outfit and how smart are we to play color of that outfit. For instance, there are some pictures of woman with same pants, blazer and clothes. With their creativity, they can make some fashion style. Same pants can be mixed and matched with different clothes and different color of clothes. Same blazer can be mixed and matched with different shirt and petticoat. Blazer can be mixed with short dress. It is also happened with same veil, we can make various of hijab. That all based on how our way to mix and match outfit with same outfit. Furthermore I will explain about how play are we to play color of outfit. For example, this is picture of Dian Pelangi. She is a designer of hijabers. She combine blue pants and orange shirt and be coated by blazer which has motive. It will be beautiful combination. Not only Dian Pelangi but also Lady Diana has characteristic of her fashion. This activity is so funny, not only be positive things but also be our style. Besides that, we also increase our …show more content…

Cygnus ‘The Legend’ said that appearance is not everything but everything is begun from appearance. Good appearance will be the good beginning. If our appearance is neat, clean, match, and fashionable with our style; we will be lucky, we have friends in everywhere, can do cooperation well, easy to get job, be successful person and also get achievement. If that all happen with us, we will look good by most people in around us. Whereas someone which has bad appearance with untidy clothes, long haired for boy, ripped pants, using tattoos, has appearance like a punk rock person; it will be assumed by people that he/she brings negative things such as using narcotic, shunned by friends and has poor

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