Essay On The Battle Of Amritsar Imperialism

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Have you ever wondered why the British wanted to gain control over India? Imperialism primarily occurs for political. economic and social advantages for a nation. Imperialism is when a powerful nation conquers a less powerful, weaker nation. Although the British gave India a powerful government, construction of a large amount of infrastructure and an improved life expectancy, these advantages all served the needs of the British’s interest rather than the Indians and essentially forced poverty into many Indian lives which resulted in the death of millions. Although the British brought a strong, powerful government to India, they used it to benefit Britain rather than India. The British established a justice system, loyal army, efficient police force and a government that had over 500 million people, however, the used these resources against the Indians (Lalvani). Out of the 500 million people in the British government, only 16% of them were Indians which resulted in India being overruled in the government (doc 2). The British government also used their army and police forces to attack the Indians. The battle of Amritsar is one example of how the British used their power to benefit themselves. …show more content…

By the time India had their Independence the British had laid 10,000 miles of railroads and 136,000 bridges (Lalvani). This provided transportation and a source of jobs for Indians, however, the British did not build the infrastructure for India (Lalvani). The British used the railroads to transport troops and cash crops (Gandhi, doc 7). The British forced tenant farmers to grow cash crops like cotton and indigo which eventually destroyed India’s soil and environment (Gandhi, doc 6). The infrastructure built by the British did benefit India, but it created environmental damage that had a much greater impact on

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