Essay On Synesthesia

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Being a psychology student, one learns many amazing things that can happen to people. One of them includes synesthesia. Synesthesia is a natural occurrence where a person experiences multiple senses at one time. For example, somebody with synesthesia may see a color when somebody is talking to them. Another example is when they touch something, they also experience smell. This happens without the person trying at all. One of the most popular types of synesthesia is Grapheme. This means that people see letters and numbers in colors automatically without any effort. Most people with synesthesia experience it their whole life, so what implications does it have on synesthetes childhood, especially when being and school with other children who are considered typical students? We will look at several studies that have observed children with synesthesia and their experiences in the education system. In a study done by Maurer, Gibson, and Spector (2013) they looked at synesthesia in infants and young children. “Synesthesia will be a normal phase in typical development, either before …show more content…

We will look into research done by Asano and Yokosawa (2013) that looked learning in grapheme synesthesia. Previous research has shown that there are individual differences in grapheme synesthesia. There are still some unknown factors that determine the impact of grapheme synesthesia. Their study included seventeen Japanese grapheme synesthetes with their first language being Japanese. They were wanting to find the determinants involved in the “synesthetic color for graphemes of Hiragna, a phonetic script in the Japanese language, and the English alphabet” (Asano and Yokosawa, 2013, p. 1). The participants reported that linguistic sounds didn’t create a synesthetic experience for them. To make sure that the study was genuine, they also had six females who did not have synesthesia be the controlled

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