Essay On Sustainability

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The concept of sustainability means different things to different people. The reactions and judgments accompanying the notion of sustainability range from the opinion that sustainability is simply a passing fad, to the belief that conserving the environment and finding sustainable ways of living and conducting business is the most critical issue facing the planet today (UN Global Compact, 2004).
According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, sustainability, in essence, is concerned with ‘meeting the needs of people today, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.
Regardless of what your personal beliefs may be, it is undeniable that business managers are quickly realizing that sustainable workplace policies can provide their organizations with that much-vaunted competitive advantage in the 21st century.
Through this paper, we attempt to understand why companies are increasingly pledging themselves to sustainability strategies, what their key issues with implementation are, and what role can Human Resources play in their firms’ journeys towards their sustainable goals
The Business Case for Sustainability

In order to become a business (and HR) priority, there must be a business case for sustainability. When seemingly crazed environmentalists at Greenpeace and its ilk, state that the organizations that are the spearheads in sustainable, social and good governance practices have 25% higher stock value than their less sustainable compatriots, it is important to note that there is a robust business case for these organizations to behave in ways that are more responsible to the earth and to its people.
Imagine this: You go to work daily for an organization that y...

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...if we don’t make our business results, then I have not met my objectives”.

To conclude, from my research, it is clear that often, building a sustainable organization is not seen as HR’s concern. However, organizations with this mindset are missing the boat. It is people who are the stewards of sustainability—both within the company as well as with respect to how the company interacts with the communities in which it operates. I firmly believe that HR, as the keeper of an organization’s values, needs to steer some of that to the management and executive team. There is much evidence available that displays the link between a triple bottom line approach and sustainability of a3 company. I believe that HR needs to grab a hold of this cause and champion it. It is often not merely about spending a lot of money but rather making a shift in how one looks at the business.

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