Essay On Student Debt

660 Words2 Pages

In recent years, 70 percent of students graduated with student loans. The average 2016 grad holds $37,172 in student debt, according to calculations by student loan expert Mark Kantrowitz. This is an issue that deserves attention because it be couldn’t be anymore relevant to what college graduate students are going through today having to pay back student loans in order to attend college and college loan debt continues to rise as educational institutes continue to raise their tuition costs. College loan debt negatively affects many lower income college graduates and will have effect those who will attend college in the future which in the end will lead students down the road of financial failure and leave them with limited options of work in the future. Student debt continues to increase. In 2016, Americans had over $1.3T of student debt outstanding. That is because colleges make the cost of tuition almost impossible to afford but it seems that if …show more content…

While the rising cost of colleges, in and out of state, affects many students of low income which makes attending in state colleges or junior colleges like Mesa College more “affordable” without having to access loans. William Elliott, an associate professor at the University of Kansas (KU) and founder of the Center on Assets, Education, and Inclusion (AEDI) in KU’s School of Social Welfare and a leading researcher in the fields of children's savings and college debt, states, “As a result, we end up with a system that facilitates wealthier students’ attendance at the best schools while directing low income and minority students toward more “affordable” colleges, or that deters the latter’s degree pursuit altogether” (4). Students of color adversely get affected by the hike of tuition. The Center for American Progress, is a progressive public policy research and advocacy organization and they advocate for making college more affordable, particularly at a time when students need a good

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