Essay On Sociological Imagination

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Through the use of our sociological imagination this paper investigates whose interests the medical model of health serves, and why? The concept of sociological imagination was coined by Charles Wright Mills, the American Sociologist (1916-1962). To use our sociological imagination we need to look at, at least one or more of the following four perspectives: Cultural/Anthropological, Historical, Critical, or Structural and make the link between personal troubles and public issues. (Germov, 2014) In doing this we take a look at the concepts of medicalisation, medical -industrial complex and pharmaceuticalisation. By the 17th and 18th centuries Physicians were considered the experts of ailments and illness, with their knowledge, power followed and the power imbalance between Physicians and patients was established. Over time, changes in medical practice took place driven by the quest for profits. This caused intense competition between the Physicians for fees, the lure of the dollar saw the establishment of ‘Quacks’, people who passed themselves off as qualified Doctors to make money...

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