Essay On Should Students Get Paid For Good Test Scores

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How would it be to get paid for good test scores and grades? What if that was a thing? It would be a great motivation right? I think so. I think that students should get cash bonuses for getting good grades. If we could have the prospect of getting paid for working hard in school it would be a great motivation to do better. Studies in the Chicago- area schools actually show that when students are given the right reward they improved as much as six months beyond what was expected. So when these students were given an incentive, they worked harder and excelled six months beyond where they should be. Also giving the students a bonus gives them an incentive to take tests more seriously than they would normally. Lastly, the prospect of losing a reward creates a strong desire to perform, so if before a test the students are told “ You will get 20$ if you get an A on this test” they will have a strong desire to work for that A. If I was given money for good grades, I would jump at that chance, I think a lot of kids would be more motivated to get something out of it.

Along with motivation, this would actually help the kids in later life, and in a way the parents also. Giving the students a cash bonus, could help them immensely in later life, financially. Especially …show more content…

You could give the money to the student, and if they don't get that good grade, you could take it away. By doing this the student will have the money, but if they don't get the good grade there is the prospect that they will get that money taken away from them. Another way is the size of the reward, studies show that kids won't work very hard for a tiny reward, because if they are going to put work into something they want to make it worthwhile. In elementary school a plastic necklace might have satisfied the needs of a kindergartener. But, speaking as an eighth grader, I would work much harder for money than a little plastic gold

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