Essay On Self Reference In Advertising

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The advertising media is very interested in studies of self-reference. Acquiring and implementing the data of all studies in self-reference helps advertisers better understand the stimuli necessary to draw subjects into purchases based on the self-persona. (Bashara, 2007) One very well publicized use of self-reference in advertising was the use of the mouthwash Listerine, originally a surgical antiseptic. Gerald Lambert, president of the company that produced Listerine, introduced the "disease" halitosis and the cure Listerine. Self-referencing in the ads included the use of women attending weddings and looking at the bride and groom with the heading "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride", suggesting that if she didn't have the disease she could find a husband. Ads even suggested "you probably don't know you have it; nobody will tell you" (Bashara, 2007). Self-reference studies show that individuals have a better memory when certain information is related to their selves. During the study, a series of words were given to individuals. They were either asked if the word has an "e...

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