Essay On Self Assessment

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Self-assessment tests have been around for as long as I can remember. The first self-assessment test I took was when I joined the Navy. I remember thinking what in the world does any of this have to do with joining the military. I soon discovered that it tested more than mental aptitude. It really showed mental, physical, and social traits that one possessed when put in situations that they had no control over. The tests are designed to gauge where one will be when stuck in a situation that they cannot get out of like out to sea on a boat or submarine for six months at a time. These tests, no matter which one you take, are as individual as the person taking them. Self-assessment tests have no right or wrong answers, but they do acknowledge …show more content…

The Myers-Briggs test is one of the most common assessments done for undergraduate programs, and master’s programs (, 2015). Again, there are no right or wrong answers to this assessment. I completed this test twice, because I was not in the right frame of mind at the time, and I had not fully committed to completing the master’s program. The two attempts were to identify if my answers would be skewed based off mood and or lack of concentration. The type indicators were the same, however, the percentages varied greatly. I did not completely agree with the results individually, but it did provide a foundation for myself how I view problems, react to them, and solve them. The description of the characteristics of the indicators as a whole, I completely agreed with. I use this as an example because I believe the Myers-Briggs test had a deeper meaning for me thus far, rather than the assessments completed in this class as I feel that they will change depending on my title, where I am at within my company, how secure I feel within the structure of my company. Some of my personality traits are actively sociable, enthusiastic, expressive, warm, idealistic, empathetic, insightful, imaginative, and cooperative. I do not believe that my personality traits have ever changed, but have they have been enhanced the older that I …show more content…

I did not become employed there by accident. I was working at another hospital in the area and had a horrible night at work, and had multiple issues that occurred throughout the evening. The following morning when the day shift came in to take over for us, a physician came in and was unpleasant to the night staff; he berated every one of us for everything that had gone wrong in his life. It was the most embarrassing and humiliating experiences that I have ever been a part of or witnessed. I was walking out to my car that morning, crying and probably as mad as I can remember ever being. I knew that there was more to his anger than what he came in and accused us of. I sat in my car for several minutes and began to pray to God for this man, his temper, and his patients. I never prayed for me, I asked God for guidance for my future. I needed to be shown where I needed to start over and have a new beginning. I found my way to Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA). I have been a stakeholder there for the last eight years, and am completely on board with the policies and the organization’s commitment to me as a stakeholder, student, and member of the community. With that being said, that does not mean that I agree with everything that takes place there. Although, going through this program, I understand more now than I ever did before. We

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