Essay On Rett Syndrome

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Rett Syndrome
The paper that I’m writing is on Rett Syndrome. Rett is a rare and severe ‘girls only” form of autism. What is Rett you ask? Well it is neurodevelopment that is found in girls. If you are diagnosed with it they can feel overwhelmed, there is no cure for this disease. You are normally diagnosed with it in the early years (first 2 years of life). There are 4 stages of Rett 1 being the least dramatic case and 4 being the severe. The disorder was identified by Dr. Andreas Rett in 1966, but was not until 1983 when it was started to be researched by Dr. Bengt Hagberg. Apraxia is perhaps the most severely disability of Rett Syndrome that interfering with movement and speech, and eye sight.
So what are the stages of the disorder, there is stage one which is called early onset. This begins at 6 to 18 months, is normally overlooked by doctors because the symptoms are not that noticeable just the slowing of development. Infants show less eye contact and less interest in their toys. There will be delays in their motor skills and crawling, hand writing, decrease in head growth. Th...

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