Essay On Reduce Reuse Recycle

615 Words2 Pages

Casey Acklin, Taletha Mayo

Research Paper-

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: A Solution to Waste Management and Climate Change

In today’s world of rising prices, excessive waste, and fast changing climate, a simple and cost effective solution is needed to address the issue of how waste is dealt with and how to help stop climate change caused by environmentally unfriendly methods.

The Problem of Waste
Current waste management methods, such as the use of landfills and incinerators, release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases are mainly the result of CO2 emissions from incinerators and methane emissions produced by landfills. Traditional waste management makes up 1-5% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). While this can seem a small amount when compared to other sources, in the big picture, these methods can create a demand that leads to more emissions.
When waste is handled in a manner where the main objective is to remove it, the potential uses for the waste are disregarded. Not only do these approaches pollute, they also r...

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