Essay On Prison Child Abuse

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A 5 year old named Michael Guzman was found dead after his mom had barbarically sexually, and physically abused her kid with a broomstick. The child services had came by 13 times and found evidence of sexual and physical abuse but they wouldn’t take him or his 5 siblings. Abusing a child is not okay. Child abuse should receive a lifetime prison. Abuse of any type can lead many children into some very emotional issues, it leads to bad decisions, and it causes the children to change their whole attitude on things causing them to have major behavioral issues. A recent study, shows that every 11 seconds a child is reported abused or neglected in the united states, and about 5 children die everyday because of child abuse. Child abuse can lead to a lot of emotional abuse. It should not be tolerable to abuse children, and harm them in any type of way. When you abuse a kid it is not fair to them, because they usually have to take the pain without crying. Most parents either don't care or are not aware that they are emotionally, physically, or verbally …show more content…

Furthermore, if someone is being isolated in a cell he/she is technically being stripped of the feeling of having self control over his/her surroundings. Child abuse isn’t really that big of a deal to be in prison that long for. If anything the child being abused, the child might have maybe even deserved it in a way. Despite opposition, I am convinced that this may be the case. Nonetheless, they shouldn’t have abused the kid in the first place, that was their choice. Abusing a child can really affect a child, they could physically, verbally, and mentally be screwed for their lives, so in that case they deserve whatever comes to them such as a lifetime in prison. About 30% of abused and neglected chilldren will later grow up and abuse their own children continuing the horrible generational

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