Essay On Overpopulation In The United States

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Overpopulation in the United States Over the last several years’ overpopulation in the United State has developed into a very important issue for our nation. Overpopulation is generally defined as too many people or animals living in a certain area. There are currently over 320 million people living in the United States at this time and that number continues to grow daily. Overpopulation affects several different things throughout our nation including: unemployment and the homeless rate. Some factors that go along with overpopulation are low recourses and illegal immigration. Overpopulation has become a growing problem within the United States. As the population number continues to grow, so does the unemployment number. Overpopulation causes extreme growth within unemployment which has became a serious …show more content…

Overpopulation has a domino affect on our country. At the current rate our country is growing faster than what our economy can support. As the technological advances continue to take more and more American labor jobs from the work force, the population continues to grow. Illegal immigration takes many many American labor jobs and without a secure border this problem is going to continue. “Ozone depletion, lack of water, and pollution are not the disease—they are the symptoms. The disease is overpopulation. And unless we face world population head-on, we are doing nothing more than sticking a Band-Aid on a fast-growing cancerous tumor.” –Dan Brown The longer us Americans take to realize this serious problem and take action, the more it will effect us later on. Our resources, funding and volunteers will only lessen the longer we allow overpopulation to occupy our country. That is why it is so important that we begin to address the significant problem of overpopulation. Overpopulation has become a growing problem within the United

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