Essay On Okonkwo's Pride In Things Fall Apart

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In Things Fall Apart Okonkwo goes on a mental and physical journey in which he sees the effects that the British have on his people. He had a strong belief that his people were strong and powerful just like the warriors of legend. Throughout the book he slowly came to realize that his people were nothing like he thought they were. He starts to question whether they’re really powerful fearless warriors or, soft women with no will to fight and no devotion to their gods. After he sees his son Nwoye converting to Christianity and the people of Umuofia not rallying behind him to kill and drive out the whites. He loses faith in his people as a whole.
Okonkwo initially believes his people to be powerful warriors and masculine fighters who would never give in to an invasion whether it be peaceful or not. He believes they are the kind …show more content…

Nwoye converting was the first cause of Okonkwo’s decline of pride in Umuofia. After the death of his foster brother Ikemefuna caused by Okonkwo, Nwoye started to resent his father. He starts to converse with the Christian missionaries and in anger Okonkwo beats him and threatens to kill him. Nwoye runs to the church for refuge and begins to study the Christian ways and follow their traditions (151-153). Okonkwo is very disappointed and sees his father Unoka coming out in Nwoye. Okonkwo has a deep hatred for his father and anyone or anything that is anything like him. So when Nwoye starts to act against how Okonkwo believes a man should act he does not take kindly to it. Later Mr.Brown goes to Okonkwo to inform him of his son’s accomplishments among the christian faith and how his son will soon become a teacher at a school (182-183). Okonkwo responds to this with violence and warns Mr.Brown that if he comes back he won’t be leaving on his feet . He is ultimately very disappointed in his son and starts to lose faith in both his son and his

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