Essay On Negotiation Process

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Each negotiation process has a life cycle consisting of a number of stages. There are four phases to the negotiation process. 3.1.1 Preparation Phase This is the first stage of negotiation when you acquire all the documentation, facts and information necessary to bring others into an agreement. During preparation, it helps to look for win-win agreements that focus on shared interest. This opens the door to finding solutions and options that favour all parties. There is no substitute for thorough preparation when individuals have to negotiate. Information is power, and the person who is better prepared will enjoy an inner confidence that is likely to undermine the confidence of her less prepared adversary. People must know the relevant facts, economic issues, and, where applicable, any legal or political issues. Someone planning to buy a piece of land needs to know what the dealer paid for the land in question. The best way to obtain such information is to do some small research to search for information to equip yourself before the negotiations start. Someone negotiating the sala...

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