Essay On Nature Nurture

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It is generally accepted that we are born and not made, this indicates that our genetic code influences who we are rather than the environment in which we live. In the nature-nurture debate, nature refers to our genes or genetic code. While nurture is about the environmental experiences we live in, such as, socio-economic conditions, cultural background, religion or other environmental experiences. There has been debates of nature versus nurture as having an impact on childhood development. Over time, surveys have indicated there are little to no differences, as they influence each other on childhood development. Therefore, the stand I take is that nature and nurture influence each other in the area of child development.

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Research into perceptions of the classrooms environment have discovered influence depression, rejection and problems with school and the level of achievement. There has been research into the extent of perceptions of the classroom environment that are brought about by nature and nurture have been minimal. The process for nature’s influences on environmental measures may lie with behavioural influences and genetics that bring about the interactions of individuals and the environment. The study by Shelia Walker and Robert Plomin, as outlined in a the co-authored journal article, are seeing the influences of nature and nurture on children’s perception of the classroom environment, and to test the relationship those perceptions and academic achievements of nine year old children. Results of this research indicate whether or not the children were in the same room or not, genetics played a minimal role in the research. While non-shared environments accounted for the majority. It was interesting to find out shared environments accounted for very little, they also accounted for no association for academic achievements. This indicates that genetics influences children’s outlook on the classroom, even when a non-shared environment plays a minimal role. Overall, the educational experience by children is primarily nurture that in the classroom, children tend to differentiate further rather than bringing them closer together. And the classroom environment had little effect on achievement academically (Plomin & Walker, 2006, pp.

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