Essay On My Grandmother

693 Words2 Pages

The one and only person that has transformed my life and made a great impact is my grandmother. Everyone has that one person whom they consider their role model, whether it is their parent, favorite actress, sports player or whoever. With great confidence I love to say my grandma was my great inspiration. I never believed she would be such a great impact but indeed she is. My trip to India as a 6th grader has been a great blessing to my life. I went to India for four years to stay with my grandparents. Even though I only got a chance to stay with my grandma for one year before she died. She really taught me the real meaning of life. She taught me how to live in community with great leadership as well as lifted me up from my lowest point in life and has pointed me in the right direction.
As the best grandmother around, she taught me the real importance of life. She had always told me ‘’in life our main aim is to serve people. We should help them with all our heart and soul.’’ I never took her words serious until I grew up and started understanding the people around in community that don’t have everything I do and are in need of help. As a little kid I would go with her to these communities where they help people out. In India especially there are many communities around with people in need and most of the people are in these communities because they are poor. My grandmother was very dedicated in aiding. She would go and benefit people in many ways. She has been my great inspiration if life. Even though she is not alive, her soul is still with me and always will be. I will try my best to achieve those goals through her footpath.
Her inspiration has made me join many clubs in school such as Student Council, Interact Club, Make A Di...

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...e, going to different associates, looking at what the world is going through. All of these realizations have helped me myself be a better person. I trust myself as a great leader that integrity is a good trait that I am bringing along in my life.
By concluding I would like to say that I am going to continue to go by her words and teachings and everything she has showed me and help people as much as I can. It is a great opportunity God has given me and I will serve people as much as I can. I hope this will make a wonderful positive impact on someone’s life. By taking my time and the privilege’s I’ve been provided with, I will help the people in need and have less. Just like my grandmother made a great impact on community, I will also try my best to do what I can. She will always be my inspiration in life, my source of motivation and uplifting reminder of a pure heart.

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