Essay On Mr Kurtz In Heart Of Darkness

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In addition, Heart of Darkness also suggests that Mr. Kurtz could never live in England because it would be absurd. First, before Mr. Kurtz in Marlow board the steamboat to leave the back for England, Mr. Kurtz tries to escape crawling on all fours into the bushes. Luckily, Marlow found him and brought him back to the boat (Conrad 108). This scene is significant because it shows that Mr. Kurtz wanted to stay in the Congo, in spite his health conditions. Furthermore, this scene shows that Mr. Kurtz was obsessed or possessed by the power and mission of collecting Ivory. In addition, the erosion of Mr. Kurtz's character with his time working in the Congo, also suggests that he would not successfully thrive in England if he were taken back. Marlow describes the erosion of Mr. Kurtz’s behavior as, "the wilderness had found him out early and then had taken on him a terrible vengeance for the fantastic invasion [...] he was hollow at the core," "whatever he was, he was not common. He had the power to charm or frightened rudimentary souls into an aggravated witch- dance in his honour” (97, 83). These quotes addresses how Mr. Kurts was susceptible to the immorality and savagery that came along with ivory extraction, but he was also “hollow” meaning that he no longer possessed English sensibilities. Mr. Kurtz’s hollowness suggests that he had become immoral. He also recounts Mr. Kurtz’s immoral decision to put The bearing, which was simply the bearing of commonplace individuals going about their business in the assurance of perfect safety, was offensive to me like the outrageous flauntings of folly in the face of danger it was unable to comprehend. I had no longer had a particular desire to enlighten them, but I had some difficulty in restraining myself from laughing in their faces so full of stupid importance.

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