Moon Shadow Sparknotes

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Moon Shadow lives in the Middle Kingdom, or China. He has never met his father, Windrider. Windrider left to go find money and work in the Land of the Golden Mountain, or San Francisco. Cosin Hand Clap returned to China one day. He was sent by Windrider to get Moon Shadow and bring him back to San Francisco to live with him. When Moon Shadow arrives, he meets The Company. Uncle Bright Star, Lefty, Windrider, Black Dog, White Deer, Hand Clap, and now Moonshadow are in The Company. They run a laundromat together in the Tang people’s village in San Francisco. During Moon Shadow’s first night there, the demons, or white people, threw a brick through the window, making the glass shatter into little pieces. Upstairs in their room, Windrider shared …show more content…

Then he tells his son that he wants to build an airplane. Uncle Bright Star insists that Windrider is crazy. Moon Shadow is adjusting to his new life in San Francisco and goes with Windrider to deliver and collect when he is not doing other things. Windrider helped to fix a demon’s car. The demon said that his name is Mr.Alger. Windrider and Moon Shadow find Black Dog in an opium den and save him from getting shot by the Justices. One day, Black Dog beats up Moon Shadow in order to steal the money that Moon Shadow has been collecting from laundry. Windrider vows to avenge his son and goes to the Sleepers to have a one-on-one fight against Black Dog. Moon Shadow follows him. Black Dog pulled some tricks, but Windrider and Moon Shadow won. They killed a man in the process though. To escape having to deal with the dead man’s family, Windrider plans for Moon Shadow and him to go work at Mr.Alger's. The company warns them about living among the demons then gives them parting gifts. Moon Shadow and Windrider move into a stable behind Miss Whitlaw’s house. Moon Shadow likes Miss Whitlaw, even though she is a demoness. She has a cool stained glass window of a dragon, and a

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