Essay On Managing Change

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Change is inevitable. It is a common thread throughout our society because it is one of the few things that is constant. It is very important and even desired as it can combat stagnation. Change provides an opportunity for transformation. This transformation can be significant in an environment that has become more and more uncertain.
Change is also a continuous process that is responsive to the market, customers, etc. Because companies must continue to legitimize themselves, it is an investment that will require time and resources (382). How much time and how many resources is dependent upon how much people understand the change process. It also depends on how people and businesses manage change which can vary depending on the change and the people. The people or businesses that handle change well will thrive while those that do not will struggle. As our world changes, so too must people, companies and organizations.
There are many theories, processes, and/or models for managing change. They all provide some insight into change management, particularly what causes change and the best methods to use to effect change. They also give an idea of how to implement change while dealing with employees. Change management provides guidance on how to get people to change. While there is no one right way to manage change, most of the change management models have similar attributes. Despite some differences, the principles of managing change and strategic management are remarkably similar as they both describe the process of implementing change and point to factors such as recognizing need, creating a plan of action, and reinforcing the change as contributions to its success.
The first shared principle between managing change and strategic...

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... will continue to be. It is not cheap and often requires trade-offs. It requires a commitment of resources, time, and money. For these and other reasons, change is difficult to initiate and impose. Even after establishing need, developing a plan, and attempting to embed it into the company culture, it can fail. But it is far more likely when those who will implement the change also participate in the development of the change. Internal support is essential to reducing resistance and ensuring success of the plan. Moving forward without this support will only amplify the investment and the difficulty. The change management process mostly focuses on performance and outcome; however, the most important aspect is the attitudes and behaviors of the employees. They can be major obstacles to innovation and change. Constant communication is imperative to successful change.

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