Essay On Long Distance Relationships

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Long Distance Relationships: Myth or Reality? The first word that comes to mind after hearing “long-distance relationship” is “impossible.” When a couple entering college decides to stay together even though they’re hundreds of miles apart, it sounds like they’re setting themselves up for failure. If the idea seems so unheard of, then why have 4,550,000 couples in college committed themselves to a long distance relationship? Should the start of college mean the end of a relationship? Because I have no expertise when it comes to relationships, I sought answers from my friend Christina Duong, who is maintaining a 3 year relationship 400 miles away from her boyfriend, Alex. Ever since she was young, Christina grew up with the stigma that women One couple, in particular, was Amie and her now ex-boyfriend, Andy. The couple dated for 2 years before calling it quits when they entered college. Amie and Andy tried to continue dating when they moved 50 miles away from each other, but the distance was too big of a factor. “Being so far from Andy made it easier to be dishonest. I would sometimes catch myself in a lie when talking to him, but I didn’t consider it a big deal because he wouldn’t have been able to ever find out,” Amie explains. “The fact that he wasn’t around made me lose feelings and made it easier for me to cheat on him.” Andy was more heartbroken at the fact that she broke up with him rather than how she cheated on him. “I thought we’d be long- lasting high school sweethearts, but love wasn’t enough to keep us together. When it comes to distance, people are supposed to meet halfway, but I found myself taking more steps than her,” Andy expresses. The mindset of people in a relationship may differ from the thoughts of those who are single. Single and ready to mingle, Kevin has never been in a long-term or long distance relationship. Kevin describes long distance relationship as “something [he’d] ever try because there’s a higher chance of getting hurt.” In addition, Ann states that “it’s impossible to establish a real relationship with someone without personal interactions.” Unlike Amie and Andy, Emily believes that “long distance relationships are possible if the couple is faithful and

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