Essay On Loneliness And Loneliness

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“Social” networks and loneliness are two very unlike things to be discussed simultaneously... The two are complete opposite of one another: “social” is associated to relating to one’s society, loneliness can be defined as “a complex and unpleasant emotional response to a feeling of isolation” (Ye and Lin 166). While loneliness can mean solitude, it also includes feelings of isolation and disconnection to other people (Ye and Lin 166). John Cacioppo is labeled as the world’s leading expert on loneliness. He proposed a thought provoking analogy: a car can be used to pick up friends, but one chooses to ride alone. Did the car make the person lonely? (Marche 68). Absolutely not. The car is simply a tool in the person’s everyday life. This relates …show more content…

The majority of society has SNS’s, and some of these users are considerably lonely. But just because the statistics of loneliness and social networks are increasing at the same time does not mean the two are related. Loneliness is expected to become a growing trend in the next decade is because of the growing number of older individuals, not the advance in Social Networking Sites (Aarts, Peek, and Wouters 942). This rise of elders in society is a result of the Baby Boom era. During this period of time, an abnormally large amount of babies were born, and now these people are getting older. This means that there is a much larger population of elderly people than usual, and these older individuals are more likely to become depressed and lonely. Many losses come with old age, such as loss of a working atmosphere, physical mobility, or loss of a spouse/child (Aarts, peek, and Wouters 942). Each of these things can be responsible for feelings of loneliness and a reason behind growing loneliness. Also, quality of life is a major factory in whether or not loneliness becomes an issue in one’s life. Certainly a person who deems themselves to be successful, with a healthy marriage, children, and a stable job will not be as lonely as someone who does not. Social Networking sites do not cause people to become lonely when the factors outside of SNS’s have all the power to do

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