Essay On Living In A Nursing Home

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What are the chances of living in a nursing home later in life and not knowing what to expect out of it? Nursing homes are a place for a person that is disabled to stay for care that relatives cannot quite provide. People who cannot live on their own are encouraged and most of the time are forced to live in a nursing home for either a short stay or a long stay. It is important that the care the elderly receives is worth the cost considering the emotional impact of the long term care has on recipients and their families. The cost of living may seem relative easily. Losing a lot of money is a consequence of living in a nursing home. Not everyone living in a nursing home is there because they want to be there. Living in a nursing home can become very expensive. The cost of living in a nursing home is even going up. Many elderly people, who live in a nursing home, will most likely lose all of their savings. (Worth 31). The average cost is around $45,000 a year, and it is steadily increasing. Nursing homes become unaffordable after losing all of their savings and working anymore. According to CNNMoney, the median cost of living in private nursing homes and assisted living facilities has ballooned by 24 percent and 23 percent, respectively, over the last five years. The median annual cost of private nursing home care is now $83,950 — almost two and half times the mean tuition at private not-for-profit colleges in 2010-2011. Semi-private room costs in nursing homes have risen to $75,405 per year, and even a stay at an assisted living facility — where patients do not receive anywhere near the level of care that they would at a private nursing home — now tends to cost over $41,000 per year. As Bob Bua, vice president of long-ter... ... middle of paper ... ...ent Depression INT) Depression can be cause from numerous reasons. Isolation is believed to be the biggest reason for depression. They feels as if they have no family anymore since their family do not visit as they would like, and sometimes their families will not come visit at all. Just being in a nursing home puts some residents into a depressed state. Visiting with a relative that’s living in a nursing home can help them from being depressed Deciding if someone should be into a nursing home can be hard. There are a lot of cons and then there is a lot of pros. Looking into specific nursing homes and asking around can help narrow down the search for the almost perfect place to reside. Although it said that a nursing home is good place for someone who cannot take care of themselves, the abuse and the emotional impact makes living in a nursing home an iffy situation.

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