Essay On Library Is A Special Place

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All of my life I have been a fan of books. So it would only be natural that I find libraries to be a special place. I've come to find over the years that no matter what library I go to, I always feel safe and welcome. Something about all of the thousands of stories that are just waiting to be read, brings me serenity. I'm also quite an introverted human, which makes a place where people are expected to be quiet and keep to themselves very inviting to me. In kindergarten, days that we had library time scheduled were the most spectacular days. Back then, I was more of an illustrations fan than of actual reading. I had a special cart of books that I was summoned to on almost every trip to that magical room of pictures. I flipped through the pages, looking at the illustrations while occasionally reading the story. As Maya Angelou stated in her speech, “a library is a rainbow in the clouds” (Popova). A library is a special and quiet room in which children can either escape in the magnificent illustrations of a picture book or an adult can disappear into the passionate words of their favorite author. The possibilities that live inside of a library are endless which …show more content…

My younger, naive self was embarrassingly incorrect. In fact, “nerds” are awesome and knowledge is power. It wasn't until I reached the second grade that I really started to appreciate books for the stories they possess. My teacher at the time read to my peers and I on a weekly basis. My favorite and most influential factor in my love for literature, was “The Box Car Children” by Gertrude Warner. Despite the somewhat depressing backstory of the children's lives they still appeared to go on adventures in which I envied. I needed to read more about these characters. To this day I can recall the mental images the books gave me, even though it was at least a decade ago when I last read

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