Essay On Juvenile Delinquency

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Initially, taking a course on juvenile delinquents did not interest me. But during these ten or eleven weeks of school, I have became to fulfill a better understanding as to why these type of kids choose to do some of the things they do. Our textbook, Juvenile Delinquency, by Robert Agnew and Timothy Brezina, focuses solely on what causes and controls juveniles to act out and commit these crimes. When reading this textbook, I became aware that most of the crimes such as burglary, theft, larceny, rape, gang violence, property damage, and etc. were mainly committed by male juveniles. And although this textbook doesn’t state it directly, I feel like most of the information obtained was based on male juveniles. In one of the earlier chapters, I remember reading something about how female juveniles are more closely supervised than males, and that although the rate for female juveniles is increasing, it still isn’t as high as the rate of male juvenile delinquents. So I proposed this research question: Why are females more closely supervised than males if there is a higher rate for crime with male juvenile delinquents?
Kids in general learn from the people in their environment. If they see something good that someone else does, they too will do the same thing. They are not able to control the way they think yet because their cognitive learning skills aren’t as strong as they are when you become an adult. If a child sees someone doing something bad instead of good, the same reaction as the first example will take place and that child will exhibit bad behavior. This goes hand in hand with the social learning theory. The social learning theory focuses on individual behavior. Kids are easily influenced by other kids in their age group bec...

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...hose people who are lesbians or gays to act out for acceptance. They sell drugs, they smoke it, they become strippers or they even commit suicide because they are being suppressed and abandoned by the people they love. Women have been suppressed for too long. Because of this rejection they feel from the people they love, the chances for them to do criminal activities are high. People will watch them because they do not yet understand. The justice system will watch them because it isn’t considered lady like. A woman even doing a criminal act isn’t considered a “lady characteristic”, that is why female juveniles are heavily supervised! Once these girls are in the justice system, the physical abuse doesn’t stop. If a girl does let the justice system know that she is a lesbian or bisexual she would be forced to be separated from the other females and forced to be alone.

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